Surya Shakti
"Surya" means "Sun,"and "Shakti" means "energy". Surya Shakti is a dynamic form of the Sun Salutation which is an ancient yogic practice with a powerful sequence of 18 postures. When we say Surya, we are talking about the Sun which is the basic powerhouse of the planet. Life on the planet is solar powered, including human system. Surya Shakti is a way of using that energy. It does wonders for your health, as well as your physical and mental wellbeing.
Surya Shakti is a variation from Surya Kriya. Surya Shakti has more focus on physical fitness, speed and it generates enormous amount of energy through the process. Surya Kriya has more focus on its stillness and has a much deeper spiritual dimension to it. It is a beautiful combination if you practice them together.

Surya Shakti for Adults- Ages 14 years and above
Surya Shakti for Children- Ages 7 -13 years
Benefits of Surya Shakti

  • Brings about physical fitness and overall wellbeing

  • Makes the sinews and ligaments of the body strong

  • Increases mental alertness and focus

  • Creates a basis for one to move into higher states of energy

  • Increases physical strength & stamina

  • Realigns the musculoskeletal system

  • Increases energy levels
Surya Shakti
February 8-9th
Feb 8 Session 1: 5.00 pm - 6.45 pm

Feb 9 Session 2: 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Attendance is mandatory for both the sessions.

Venue: Cupertino, CA
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